
The purpose of the specific training program is to offer the trainees the knowledge so that they can come into contact with the field of Humans and Digitalization: a challenge for transboarder democratic citizenship education in cutting-edge research and theoretical approaches in the context of modern trends and considerations relating to critical digital citizen/citizenship, education for all, extracurricular activities, migrant students and global migration, modern digital skills and basic values and concepts relating to the crisis in education and sustainable development, social justice and teacher education, collaboration skills and backpack citizens, sustaining pedagogy, the role of the Art, as well as the e-citizen and the challenge of Artificial Intelligence. The aim of the program is for the trainees to acquire the necessary knowledge, techniques and skills and problematic that will be applauded, which concern the above mentioned area, that is Humans and Digitalization: a challenge for transboarder citizenship education in the 21st century.

Program Objective

The Program Objective is to offer to the trainers knowledge, attitudes, skills that have to do with the proposed area of the Program, that is Humans and Digitalization: a challenge for transboarder citizenship education in the framework of modern trends and issues that are discussed the field. The knowledge, the theories and researches that also combined with the digital citizen of the 21st century will be analyzed in the texts and the accompanied e-laboratories of the program.

Educational goals of the program

Cognitive Skills

The cognitive skills of the program are related to the ability to compile, organize and analyse theoretical and research approaches through comparisons, predictions and observations in the filed of Humans and Digitalization area as well as the challenges for transboarder citizenship education today, education for all, sustainable development and pedagogy, social justice, collaboration skills, the role of the art the extracurricular activities, migration issues and digital challenges like AI challenges.

 Psychomotor skills

The psychomotor skills of the program have to do with the ability to use stimuli that develop into a motor activity, to take initiative, to prioritize mains concepts and problematic concerning the humans of modern era, the challenges of digitalization area (example the role of AI etc), as well as
the citizenship education in the 21st century via ‘e-citizen’ concept and related values, like social justice, collaboration and opportunities/challenges in teacher education.


The program will offer to the participants ways to behave and acquire attitudes related to main theme of the program and develop their ability to use and acquire cognitive and psychomotor skills in different situations that have to do with the citizen, the citizenship education, the digital era and the existing challenges in formal and non-formal types of citizenship education, extracurriculum challenges, the use of art, attitudes towards migration issues, digitality and teachers education.

Who it is aimed at 

Students and Higher Education Degree holders, Teachers of any level, Educators, Sociologists, Master degree and PhD (holders or candidates), participants of any kind of field who are interested for the topic.

Participation fees

380 € (must be paid before the starting of the Program).